Monday, May 28, 2012

Starting and Stopping Concurrent Managers in PCP Environment

     Hi DBAs,
Below are the steps to Bounce the Concurrent Managers in the PCP(Parallel Concurrent Processing) Environment.Important point to note is we can start all the concurrent Managers running on different nodes from  the node which is primary node and not required to start on both nodes to avoid the situation of failover.In below environment node1 is the primary node of PCP setup.

Note:How to check the primary node in PCP setup given in below link:;postID=6995260641016133607

step1)Stopping the apps listener on node1(Node1):

a) stop apps listener
Node1 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/admin/scripts >./ stop version 120.3

Shutting down listener process APPS_TESTAPPS. exiting with status 0 check the logfile /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/logs/appl/admin/log/adalnctl.txt for more information ...

b)Stop apps listener on node2(Node2)

Node2 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node2/admin/scripts >./ stop version 120.3

Shutting down listener process APPS_TESTAPPS. exiting with status 0 check the logfile /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node2/logs/appl/admin/log/adalnctl.txt for more information ...

step 2)Stop the apps concurrent manager
======================================== stop

 Node1 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/admin/scripts >./ stop

You are running version 120.17.12010000.5

Enter the APPS username : APPS

Enter the APPS password :
Shutting down concurrent managers for TESTAPPS_CM2 ...
ORACLE Password:
Submitted request 2532852 for CONCURRENT FND SHUTDOWN exiting with status 0 check the logfile /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ...

step 3): Kill all processes by finding the concurrent processes:

ps -ef|grep FNDLIBR|grep appstest

kill -9 pid...

Step 4: Start apps listener on node1 and node2

Node 1:
 Node1 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/admin/scripts >./ start version 120.3

Checking for FNDFS executable.
Starting listener process APPS_TESTAPPS. exiting with status 0 check the logfile /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/logs/appl/admin/log/adalnctl.txt for more information ...

Node 2:

Node2 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node2/admin/scripts >./ start version 120.3

Checking for FNDFS executable.
Starting listener process APPS_TESTAPPS. exiting with status 0 check the logfile /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node2/logs/appl/admin/log/adalnctl.txt for more information ...

Step 5:Start the concurrent manager on any one node....

Node1 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/admin/scripts >./ start

You are running version 120.17.12010000.5

Enter the APPS username : APPS

Enter the APPS password :
Starting concurrent manager for TESTAPPS_CM2 ...
Starting TESTAPPS_0216@TESTAPPS_CM2 Internal Concurrent Manager
Default printer is noprint exiting with status 0 check the logfile /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ...

 Node1 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/admin/scripts >ps -eaf|grep FNDLIBR
  appstest 18179 18170   0 04:46:03 pts/12      0:00 FNDLIBR FND CPMGR FNDCPMBR sysmgr="" sleep=30 pmon=4 quesiz=1 diag=N logfile=/p
  appstest 18280 16419   0 04:46:25 pts/12      0:00 grep FNDLIBR
 Node1 /product/app/TESTAPPS/inst/apps/TESTAPPS1_Node1/admin/scripts >ps -eaf|grep FNDSM
  applqb 15336     1   0   Feb 12 ?           0:04 FNDSM
  appstest 18556 16419   0 04:46:50 pts/12      0:00 grep FNDSM
  appstest 18554 18179   0 04:46:50 pts/12      0:00 tnsping FNDSM_Node2_TESTAPPS

 Note:If any services is already started and if you try to start again,
we will get message status code 2 message and if it start successfully in first attempt
 we will see status code 0,there is no harm in trying to start the services which are already running but please verify the services and Check EBS home page by login as 'SYSADMIN' and check all the managers are up & running and Concurrent Processing Server is up & runing on both the node.

Step 6:Verify on both the nodes:

Node 1:
$ps -ef|grep FNDLIBR|grep appstest

Node 2:
$ps -ef|grep FNDLIBR|grep appstest

 If it shows the processes related with appstest,than Concurrent Managers are running on both the nodes in the PCP setup.

Hope it helps...

Enjoy Apps DBA learning...

Best regards,

1 comment:

  1. will stop on all the nodes.
    How to stop concurrent services running on App-Node2 alone ?
